Steam just let us know that they've Greenlit Super Motherload! We are just really really happy. Pumped, even. Many high fives have been thrown around the office today, and we even broke out the special occasion frosty mugs from the freezer.
Check out the announcement on Steam here: s/detail/1585547885807672930
Thank you all so much for your votes! We have been so impressed with all of the help that we've gotten, it was amazing to see people take this into their own hands and promote the heck out of Super Motherload. It was grassroots marketing at its finest and we couldn't have asked for more dedicated and enthusiastic fans. We have jobs because of people like you, so once again: thank you!
So? Where do we go from here? Well, we are sticking to the current game plan. We're working on the PS4 version at the moment-getting that all ready to submit, and then finish up the rest of the PS3 version. After the console versions are good to go we'll move our focus to Steam.
In the meantime we're looking on a way to clone Steve. Does anyone have any leads on that?
Here's a nice little mention from Game Trailers: leven-new-titles-get-the-steam-greenlight
I hope it does well.