Super Motherload will be released in just under a month alongside the Launch of the PS4 on November 15th and we thought it would be the perfect time to release a brand new trailer that better represents the game in it’s finished state. A lot has changed since the original trailer that we released back in October of 2012. This trailer highlights 4 player local co-op gameplay as well as a few things we’ve talked about but haven’t yet shown in any footage (hardcore mode perma-death at 0:25, cutscenes, and dialogue choices).We are also very exited to announce that Super Motherload is making its way into stores along with the PS4 demo kiosk! This is your chance to check out the demo of Super Motherload before the release on November 15th! If you spot a kiosk in the wild somewhere be sure to let us know in the comments or tweet us @XGenStudios
Check out the PlayStation Blog to find the demo kiosk nearest to you:
From that gameplay like you guys went in more of an arcade/score version, rather than a money making rpg-style
Please reassure me that I'm wrong :(